Vanakam Makalae     

          Guerrilla Marketing is an advertising strategy that focuses on low-cost unconventional marketing ideas that yield maximum results. It is the alternative style that relies heavily on unconventional marketing strategy, high energy and creative belief. Guerrilla marketing is about taking the customer by surprise, making an indelible impression and creating copious amounts of social buzz. 

        This article is about Delight Inn Resorts. Usually, the room fare for the resorts for a day would cost around Rs.4000- Rs.5000.  Due to this pandemic, the resort had no revenue. So, the owner of the resort Mr Arun Radha Krishnan decided to rent the rooms for Rs.1000 per day (mainly for the cash flow). 

      He was aware of the travel restrictions by the government. He also knew people will not travel for fun or family trips as the situation was complicated. However, the doctors and other frontline workers had to travel and stay in the hotels to serve the public. 

         So, the campaign was designed to help the frontline workers and also generate revenue for the resort. The front line workers will avail an offer for 1- night stay in their resort. The reality is that they will have the requirement to stay for 3-4 days. So, there would be both branding and cash flow simultaneously. The campaign was successful.

        The campaign got featured in Times Of India. The expenses made for this campaign is minimal. However, there were memes on the internet, publicity in the newspaper and it was a huge success.

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