Marketers are connecting with customers in novel ways, and its working.

Guerrilla marketing has evolved into a more widely regarded professional marketing method, gaining popularity among both large and small businesses as a low-cost means of effectively reaching consumers. Rather than spending a lot of money on one-way messages, guerrilla marketers look for innovative ways to get their message in front of customers in the real world rather than through traditional advertising.


Being able to do something distinctive that captures the attention of consumers can be far more effective than being able to fund a multi-million dollar campaign that is likely to be ignored. This form of marketing is out of the ordinary, which is why it succeeds; it’s something that people can relate to.

One of the most essential aspects of a successful guerrilla marketing strategy is that it incorporates or embodies the brand values.

Nike’s “Just do it” attitude and catchphrase are well-known.

  Nike came up with the idea of branding near the escalator, so that people took stairs to improve their health.  I’m sure anyone came upon this escalator was reminded of the brand’s motto and was obliged to take the stairs, kicking off their workout. 

These types of campaigns are:

1.    Cost effective,

2.    Have higher Attention span

    Look, how you can improve your business visibility in escalator, stairs, lift, etc with Guerrilla Marketing tactics.

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