Guerrilla marketing is a way of promoting a product or service by utilizing unexpected methods and/or unusual interactions. Guerrilla marketing differs from traditional marketing in that it typically relies on personal interaction, has a smaller budget, and relies on a smaller group of promoters to get the word out in a specific area rather than through widespread media campaigns.

· A form of guerrilla marketing is the use of novel or unconventional methods to boost sales or generate interest in a brand or business.
· In these methods, low- or no-cost methods are often used along with more personal interactions or viral social media messages.
· Mobile and connected technologies have increased the popularity of this marketing method, since they can amplify messages and focus on specific groups of consumers.
Squeaky Clean:
Cillit Bang, makers of household cleaning products, used stickers to demonstrate their product’s value. The stickers were placed on the 5 cent coins that they gave out as change in their stores. The sticker made the coin appear partially clean and partially dirty, as if half of it had been polished with Cillit Bang to achieve a squeaky-clean finish. Brilliant!
Through this advertisement their revenue increased 330%.
By the inspiration of the idea, the tide washing powder created their advertisement. Also, the 5 paisa Briyani campaign was an inspiration from this campaign.
So, how are you planning to implement Guerrilla Marketing techniques for your brand?