Vanakam Makkaley

    An internet sensation Guerrilla Marketing concept was used by the movie crew “The Blair Witch Project”. This video is about how a micro-budget movie promoted their movie differently.

  Do you remember getting scared while watching the movie?  In this case, you got scared long before steping into the cinema hall. That is because of the clever Guerrilla Marketing technique and the movie went viral even before the release of the film.

      The film is about “3 students finding a lost urban legend in a forest”. The first tactic they used was to spread the news of the lost students, posters were kept, fake stories written up by local papers about the missing students and shared photos from the police reports. The camera recordings were amateur. The main idea was to establish uncertainty among the public. Probably, the first of its kind to use the internet in this way and have such an exaggerating effect. The Blair Witch Project strikingly made an approximate 250 million pound at the box office. This is the power of Guerrilla Marketing.

    They also created a very simple website. All the forms of marketing and calls for actions drove the audience to the site and the traffic hiked up. The word of mouth marketing was relative to the key messages and kicked off the campaign. The campaign went super viral.

  We have seen similar efforts for the movies ‘Paranormal Activity’ and ‘The Fourth Kind’ however The Blair Witch Project stands out as the unique and first to do so in 1988.

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