What is Guerrilla Marketing?

    Guerrilla marketing is a marketing strategy that uses unconventional and inventive tactics to promote a product or brand at a low cost.

         With the right execution, it is possible to generate buzz, build brand awareness, and even tell a story without dropping a lot of money on paid ads, Out of Home placements, or major publications. You can maximize the impact of your event by getting the public’s attention for little to no cost. Furthermore, your company can create the word-of-mouth marketing it needs in the short term as well as the user-generated content it needs in the long term.

Why should you invest in Guerrilla Marketing?

   A guerrilla marketing campaign indicates that your business is ready to catch the public’s attention in a creative way. Your brand becomes the distinct entity you want to be in the market when they pay attention to you. Your company becomes more recognizable and is more likely to be the first choice in a consumer’s mind.

Plus, you can use these guerrilla marketing do’s and don’ts to inform your b2b event marketing strategies.

Pert Plus Shampoo Guerrilla Marketing Example:

Pert Plus Shampoo placed a transparent waterproof sticker in public restrooms like malls, theatres, restaurants, Universities, etc that resembled a hair reaching out from the drain straining to avoid being flushed down. It mentioned – Stop the Suffering (Hairfall Control). 

It was a successful campaign that went viral. 

So, how are you planning to implement Guerrilla Marketing in your business?

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