Vanakam Makkalae

What is Negative Marketing?

    A negative marketing strategy focuses on portraying your business rivals in a negative light. Businesses and companies generally use this tactic to make their products appear better than their competitors’ in the eyes of consumers.

   Marketing techniques such as these have often been condemned as unethical and unfair business practices. However, some businesses use it as a tactic to highlight their products because after all, the strategy does work.

Effects of Negative Marketing:

  A negative advertisement’s primary goal is to convey a message about a competitor and influence the purchasing behaviour of its customers. Consequently, it can result in a decrease in the volume of sales of your rival, negatively impact their reputation and trust, and evoke concerns about whether to continue to purchase from them. Companies promote their merits by highlighting the weaknesses of competitors and explaining how exactly they are better and why customers should choose them.

  The purpose of highlighting a competitor’s flaws is to undermine a competitor’s reputation, boost sales, and convince customers to choose this company over its rival.

  Examples of Negative Marketing:

    Iphone 6 plus’ campaign showed a couple talking comfortably in the night. Samsung made the exact opposite of that with lights announcing that the S6 had a better camera than the iPhone and directly attacking the brand.

  You can benefit from a little negative marketing in your marketing strategy. Negative marketing can help you identify the people you don’t want to attract, engage your audience, establish authority, and boost your traffic. Negative marketing can be extremely effective when used carefully and in small amounts.

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