Target audience is key in Guerilla marketing:

Know your target audience and its needs. Outdoors doesn’t mean random; it means finding more of the people who mean more to you.

Know where to find them. Choosing the right open space is crucial, so choose it strategically.

For example, if you’re audience are widespread across the city, you shouldn’t hesitate the opportunity to put your brand in front of thousands of people. This way, you will reach huge amount of target audience at various places of the city.

A Guerilla marketing campaign involving Lgbtq+ community a group of activists painted the pedestrian crossing stripes with rainbow colors to protest the Russian anti-LGBT sentimentality and legislation, notably the bans on homosexual propaganda in front of the Russian Embassy in Helsinki, Finland. on 7 September 2013.

This enabled the activists to reach out to a large number of people from their community spread out throughout the city and instigate awareness and the will to fight and protest against the bans imposed on them. This sparked a sensation only because it was put up in front of the embassy. So, location plays a vital role in guerilla marketing.

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