Guerrilla Marketing by Gold Toe

An innovative and unconventional marketing strategy, guerrilla marketing uses unconventional tactics to gain exposure for a product or brand.

   With the right execution, it can be used to generate buzz, build brand awareness, and even tell stories without putting a ton of money into paid ads, Out of Home ads, or print ads. You can maximize the impact of your event by capturing the public’s attention at little to no cost.

Furthermore, your company can generate user-generated content in the short term and word-of-mouth marketing in the long term. 

   A leading sock brand unveils a new t-shirt and underwear line during NYFW, along with statue takeovers and wild posts.

New York City boasts many famous public statues featuring Gold Toe t-shirts and underwear, such as the Wall Street Bull.

  As part of the activation, Cling Wild Posters – cut into the shape of underwear and strategically placed at street-level on the Manhattan streets – are layered on top of the initiative to amplify marketing effects.

  New York Fashion Week guerrilla marketing activities captured for social media and press coverage.

     What makes this guerrilla marketing initiative so memorable to this day?

1. The brand took a risk with a public statue takeover but did not damage public property.

2. Media coverage was saturated with high-end fashion during NYFW due to the activation.

3. People embrace unique experiences.  

   How are you planning to implement Guerrilla Marketing in your Business?

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