Hair Salon Comb Crosswalk Marketing Campaign

What is Guerrilla Marketing?

  In 1984, Jay Conrad Levinson wrote a book entitled “Guerrilla Marketing” that made the term guerrilla marketing very popular (forget about gorilla marketing, which is just a folklore twist). Due to its low cost and effectiveness, guerrilla marketing has immediately caught the attention of brands. You can use it as a way to communicate boldly, creatively, engagingly, and extremely cost-effectively with an audience.

Elements of a Guerrilla Marketing Campaign:

· The location of the launch of Guerrilla Marketing campaigns is highly targeted.

· Authenticity is the key. If it looks like something else or has been done before, it’s not guerrilla.

· It’s not expensive and doesn’t require a lot of marketing budget.

· The best guerrilla marketing occurs when and where your target audience least expects it. It must, however, be well-timed.

· The execution must be flawless on the first try. Guerrilla marketing cannot be replicated or scaled.

· Promotional campaigns and advertisements are not replaced by guerrilla marketing. Instead, it generates buzz for you.

Guerrilla Marketing by Bubble Salon:

  A zebra crossing in the shape of a comb was erected in India over the weekend. To achieve this effect, temporary stickers were placed on the road.

The campaign was viral and effective.

So, how are you planning to implement Guerrilla Marketing techniques in your business?

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