Guerrilla Marketing by Bounty Paper Towels:

    Guerrilla marketing strategies are inexpensive and do not burn a giant hole in a brand’s pocket, so guerrilla marketing can be fruitful for a brand. They take less effort and require more creative thinking.

Objective of Guerrilla Marketing:

    In guerrilla marketing, the main goal is to create a buzz in the market through unique, engaging campaigns that use limited resources. Furthermore, marketers use guerrilla marketing when they want to –

• You must stand out from the clutter of paid advertisements and establish a unique position in the minds of your customers.

• Build a brand that will be remembered well by the audience.

• Gain media attention, as news agencies and media houses cover such guerrilla marketing campaigns and showcase them to their audiences.

• The social value of guerrilla marketing campaigns makes them go viral.

   In a guerrilla marketing campaign, the popular paper towel brand converted the cities of New York and Los Angeles into sites of large spills, including coffee cup spills and Popsicle spills on the sidewalk.

        To promote the message, marketing materials were displayed alongside the giant props, such as the 550lb ice cream. They accompanied samples of Bounty paper towels. Passersby were encouraged to use the sample paper towels to mop up the giant spills in order to create Insta-worthy photos, thus promoting the clear message in a fun way that generated conversation.

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