How is Guerrilla Marketing different from others?

·    Traditional marketing has long held that financial investment is necessary for a successful marketing campaign; however, guerrilla marketing holds that while financial investment is an option, it is not required if time, effort, imagination, and knowledge are also put into the campaign.

·    Guerrilla marketing aids tiny enterprises with little resources and huge dreams while traditional marketing is primarily for large corporations.

·    Traditional marketing gauges its success by the growth in its sales, but Guerrilla marketing places a greater emphasis on profitability.·    Guerrilla marketing focuses on the psychology of the consumer to create campaigns, as opposed to traditional marketing, which relies on experience and judgement, which is another way of saying “guesswork.”

Fevicol’s Kumba Mela Campaign: #FevicolKajod

     The biggest religious gathering is Kumbh Mela. Millions of people gather to take a dip in a holy river. Thousands of followers split apart from one another due to the congestion and commotion. The goal is to find a solution to the age-old separation issue at the Kumbh Mela. Fevicol is renowned for its enduring bonds. The goal was to demonstrate its powerful adhesive qualities in an eccentric and amusing way.

     Around 75 million people attended the Kumbh Mela in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, strengthening Fevicol’s argument for an unbreakable relationship.

  One of India’s biggest religious gatherings is the Kumbh Mela. Sadly, a lot of people lose contact with their loved ones throughout the mela. The unbreakable bond of Fevicol, India’s premier glue brand, led to the creation of 2 and 3-headed t-shirts. Families, siblings, and friends strolled everywhere as a unit since they were all tied together in the same t-shirt. Over the course of five days, the activation happened at the Kumbh festival in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh.

How are you planning to use Guerrilla Marketing in your business?

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