Guerrilla marketing means thinking outside the box when it comes to marketing. This type of marketing involves a minimal investment of time and money. In guerrilla marketing, “sweat equity” refers to identifying what your team can do collectively to generate new business and create buzz about your salon or spa without spending money. One way to generate enthusiasm and a buzz at work is to plan social outings for the staff. The beauty industry is a social one. It is important to connect with others outside the treatment room or away from the manicure table. You can guerrilla market by going out with the staff to popular nightspots to meet potential clients away from your salon or spa.

Why You Should Invest in Guerrilla Marketing?

  Investing in guerrilla marketing shows that your business is ready to attract attention in a creative way. As a result, your brand becomes the distinct entity you want it to be in the market. You become more recognizable and more likely to be a consumer’s first choice.

    Furthermore, you can easily use these guerrilla marketing do’s and don’ts to inform your b2b event marketing efforts.


  FollyDown developed a unique marketing strategy for their hair care treatment. A photo of a bald person is placed in a lift, and when the door closes, the person will have hair. This was a unique advertising method and placement was superb. It became viral.

  How are you planning to implement Guerrilla Marketing in your business?

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