Guerrilla Marketing By Nestle KitKat

Nestle used a technique of Guerrilla Marketing called “Street Smart”. Acts or stunts performed in public that are eye-catching. You’ve probably seen marketing guys displaying new products in crowded areas and even using the products on the spot to prove their effectiveness.

   Nestle, a beverage and chocolate manufacturer, once designed and coloured public benches to look like KitKat bars to advertise its product. They mentioned, “Have a break, have a Kit-Kat”.

A person who sits on this bench and takes a long break will be awarded Kitkat chocolates from a dispenser. This Guerrilla Marketing is a famous campaign. Even now, when we search for “Guerrilla Marketing techniques”, this campaign appears.

  They have used a cool tagline and with their own tagline they marketed the product and it went viral.  This is the learning from this Nestle KitKat campaign. 

  Guerrilla marketing strategies can be a game-changer if they are properly implemented.

How are you planning to implement Guerrilla Marketing for your product with your tag line?

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