Guerrilla marketing is a strategy for generating publicity and, consequently, brand exposure through advertising adopting outlandish techniques meant to inspire surprise, astonishment, or shock.

  The late business author Jay Conrad Levinson, who wrote multiple books about guerrilla tactics in a variety of professional fields, coined the phrase in the early 1980s. Naturally, marketing was considerably different back then, and while guerrilla marketing is still used today, the rapidly evolving digital landscape is changing how it appears.

Types of Guerrilla Marketing:

Outdoor Guerrilla Marketing: Adds something to already-existing urban settings, such as by attaching something detachable to a statue or by placing transient artwork on sidewalks and streets.

Indoor Guerrilla Marketing: Guerrilla marketing in indoor spaces, such as railway stations, stores, and university campus buildings, is similar to outdoor guerrilla marketing.

Event Ambush Guerrilla Marketing: Using an on-going event’s audience, such as a concert or athletic event, to prominently promote a good or service, typically without the event’s sponsors’ consent.

Experiential Guerrilla Marketing:  All of the fore mentioned, but done in a way that necessitates consumer engagement.

Guerrilla Marketing by Nivea:

     Nivea uses a leather couch that is half-tufted and half-smooth to suggest that it can reduce the appearance of cellulite in skin.

So, how are you planning to implement Guerrilla Marketing in your business.

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