What is Guerrilla Marketing?

聽Guerrilla marketing is the employment of creative, unorthodox strategies to increase sales or spark interest in a product or company. These techniques frequently entail low- or no-cost usage of more casual contacts or through viral social media messaging.

Top 5 Guerilla Marketing Rules :

路    Remember to specify your objectives.

路聽聽聽 Guerrilla marketing is all about imagination and the element of surprise, but it still requires careful planning.

路    Be aware of your audience.

路    Offensive or provocative?

路    Be clear.

路    Make research.

Guerrilla Marketing by a Retail Outlet for Cinnamon Buns:

        A bakery tried a unique way to promote their Cinnamon buns, which was their speciality. They designed contact lens that represented their cinnamon buns and let all their employees wear them in their eyes. The occasion was Cinnamon day and the campaign went viral and spoken about, as it was very different.

    Think outside the box for your advertising materials. In this case, lens was enough to convey the message and capture attention.

  How are you planning to utilise Guerrilla Marketing in your business?

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