What is Guerrilla Marketing?

     The business world is experiencing an unprecedented level of competition nowadays. Businesses want consumers to spend their money on their products, so they bombard consumers with junk mail, spam emails, and unwanted phone calls.

These traditional tactics are so familiar to consumers that businesses sometimes have to think of other ways to draw their attention.

        Guerrilla marketing implies executing an unusual or unexpected marketing activity in a common place in order to generate buzz about a product or service.

Guerrilla marketing’s main objective is to get your business’s name in front of as many people as possible in an unexpected way.

        An effective form of guerrilla marketing is usually low-cost or no-cost and can yield significant profits if properly executed.

   To raise awareness about the dangers of using plastic, an organization created a plastic bag with animal images and the words “Using plastic can kill animals.”

Guerrilla marketing can do a lot for the brand

· It can be cheap with a very high return on investment.

· Word-of-mouth referrals develop high-quality leads.

· Publicity can snow ball.

· It can be used to create awareness on trending topics that would be useful for people.

How are you planning to implement Guerrilla Marketing in your business?

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