What is Guerrilla Marketing?

     Guerrilla marketing disturbs consumer’s normal routines by presenting them with unorthodox methods of brand connection. The goal is to spark discussion, a commotion, or anything noteworthy so that brand knowledge spreads via word-of-mouth or media attention.

  While guerrilla marketing does away with the warfare, it nevertheless incorporates aspects of surprise or ambush to produce a memorable marketing experience. The goal is to produce memorable experiences with a big impact on a tighter budget. Because of this, guerrilla marketing is a fantastic option for small businesses.

Heena Shah, an expert in online marketing, claims that the following three outcomes explain why guerilla marketing is effective:

·    Effect of Surprise: Surprise the audience by grabbing their attention using unusual techniques.

·    Diffusion Effect: Reaching a larger audience with the message.

·    Low-Cost Effect: Reducing marketing expenses through widespread influence.

Ice Bucket Challenge:

  The ALS campaign was significantly boosted by the Ice Bucket Challenge.

  The Ice Bucket Challenge, also known as the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, is a game where participants must dump ice water over their heads to raise money for research into amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Participants can do this for charity or for fun.

According to independent data, the 2014 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge donations helped The ALS Association boost its yearly funding for global research by 187 percent. Science in the field of ALS research advanced throughout this period, as did treatment for ALS patients and federal government funding for disease research.

 How are you planning to do a challenge for a social cause which in turn might boost your business development?

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