What is Guerilla Marketing?

Guerrilla marketing is a creative, exciting and out of the box way of marketing your product to your customers. it should be instantly attention-grabbing and make you go viral.

Goals of Guerilla Marketing:

·         Causing emotion in the audience

·         Making the audience remember a product, service, or idea

Curating gifts for customers:

Despite giving our customers the best in town products/service, it is a pleasure to give our customers a hamper celebrating an occasion/festival. It helps your company to develop a bond with your customers. This is in a way a Guerilla Marketing strategy where your gesture would remind them of your company the next time they think of availing a service or are looking for a product.

What gift can you give your customers:

Every company or a seller gifts their customers frequently. Various gifts including planners, diaries, pens, etc., are sent out to customers by many companies. With customers being flooded with gifts, it isn’t for sure that you can guarantee that they would return to you because of your gift.

The important goal of Guerilla Marketing is to make the customer remember your brand. So it is imperative to make your gift stand out of the lot.

You can achieve this by giving a personalized gift to your customers. This would make them connect to your company on a more personal level. Gifts like mugs with their picture on it, or calendars/diaries that special mentions their birthdays.

Some gifts can also be given out to select customers based on special days that are special only for that particular customer like a gift that welcomes them to your company or competing a year with your company.

So the next time you want to send gifts to your customers thinks about the different types of gifts you can give them that lets them connect to you more personally and makes you stand out of the lot.

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