Vanakam Makkalae

          Guerrilla marketing is a creative and engaging solution for all big or small companies. Most of the small business becomes advantageous by Guerrilla marketing. However, even large brands and businesses use Guerrilla marketing to stay in the minds of people. 

       Most of the brands would have launched their advertisement campaign as it is the financial year beginning- March. However, due to the pandemic situation, most of them did not have time to react. Lockdown was already implemented and the virus was spreading in full swing. 

        The restaurant chain McDonald’s- market leader in the fast-food industry launched its global social media campaign in India. They split its letter M in its logo to promote social distancing among people. The change in the logo was to create awareness and reinforce the importance of social distancing in the pandemic. So, engaging customers with guerrilla marketing to inculcate the habit of social distancing was the goal. 

         Following this, Coca-cola, which was inspired by the idea of playing with the logo, split their letters and showcased them in their office to create awareness regarding social distancing.

        So, we learn a lesson from these simple yet effective campaigns. These types of campaigns reach people’s minds easily. The changes made in the logo can create a greater impact. It is also a great example of a cost-effective campaign. 

       How are you guys planning to play with your logo? By making simple changes to your logo, you can make a lot of difference. 

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