What is Guerrilla Marketing?

   Guerrilla marketing is the employment of creative, unconventional strategies to increase sales or spark interest in a product or company. These techniques frequently entail low- or no-cost usage of more casual contacts or through viral social media messaging.

Top 5 Guerilla Marketing Rules :

·    Remember to specify your objectives. Guerilla marketing is all about imagination and the element of surprise, but it still requires careful planning.

·    Be aware of your audience.

·    Offensive or provocative?

·    Be concise.

·    Make research.

Guerrilla Marketing by NRDC for a cause (Air Pollution):

  Since the Sustainable Development Goals have been championed, the environment has become a top priority for all nations. But without public engagement and knowledge, the goal is impossible to reach. It takes innovation to promote environmental sustainability, which is tough and expensive.

    One Show College Competition, run by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and found through Adcritic’s print edition, has revealed its 2007 winners. This competition is unique in that it encourages students to design something environmentally friendly.

The competition’s theme was “Another way to rescue the globe,” and participants were requested to concentrate on issues such global warming and clean energy, hazardous substances and human health, and ocean preservation.

   This smoking gun was the Innovative Marketing Gold Pencil winner. The execution of the brief, which states “Air Pollution Kills 60,000 People a Year,” was amazing. (All credit goes to Jeseok Yi and Francisco Hui of the School of Visual Arts in New York.) Most excellently deserved!

  How are you planning to implement Guerrilla Marketing in your business?

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