What is Guerrilla Marketing?

  Guerrilla marketing is a type of advertising that focuses on low-cost, unorthodox marketing strategies with a positive return on investment. The heart of this method is to captivate your audience with beauty or intrigue while conveying a powerful message.

  Jay Conrad Levinson, a marketer, created the phrase “guerrilla marketing” in his book “Guerrilla Marketing” in 1984. Guerrilla marketing takes its name from guerrilla warfare, a type of irregular warfare. Ambushes, sabotage, raids, and elements of surprise are the most popular techniques. The majority of these strategies function best in metropolitan areas where there is a lot of foot traffic or when there is a lot of slow-moving motor traffic. To be honest, the most common misunderstanding about this tactic is that it is “illegal.”

Example of a Sensitive Guerrilla Marketing by UNICEF:

   UNICEF Finland wanted to raise awareness about children’s rights in Finland. Around the world, there are more than 145 million orphaned or abandoned children. UNICEF Finland put 14 baby strollers with the sound of a crying baby in key Finnish cities. There was a note inside the strollers that said, “Thank you for caring; we hope there are more people like you. UNICEF, In March 2009, “Be a mom for a moment” was held.

  So, how are you planning to implement Guerrilla Marketing in your business? 

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