Vanakam Makkalae

What is Event Marketing?

   Event marketing is the marketing strategy of promoting a company or brand through in-person interactions at an event. It can be a great way for your business to develop high-quality and organic leads.

  How to measure Event Marketing success?

• Signup Rates:  At events, email addresses and subscriptions are increasingly collected. These events provide a direct method of connecting with stakeholders or potential clients. As a result, they will move more rapidly into your sales funnel.

• Increased Revenue: Have you seen an increase in customers since you marketed the product at an event? If so, you succeeded in the marketing of the event.

• Interest in Future Events: Send out announcements about your next appearances so that you can keep your subscribers updated. Using this method, you can add value propositions, such as participation incentives.

Types of Physical Event Marketing:

1.           Tradeshows: According to Wikipedia, trade fairs are exhibitions at which companies in a specific industry showcase their latest products and services. You can organize trade shows yourself or participate in a trade show and give prospective customers a chance to see and test your product up front.

2.           Conferences or Seminars: A conference or seminar is an event organized by a company to promote its products or services. Here, a select few targeted consumers are invited to attend the conference and get information about the particular offerings. They may also be given small samples of the company’s product or service.

3.           Summits: Summits – as opposed to conferences and seminars – cater to industry leaders, top executives, and government officials. Summits tend to have very high profile speakers and smaller scope, and they are a good way to discuss ideas and conclude major deals.

Types of Online Event Marketing are live streaming of Events, Webinars and Virtual Events.

Advantages of Event Marketing:

• Target Specific Customers

• Engagement with customers

• Exposure to branding opportunities

• Lead Generation

• Feedback from Customers

• New Connections.

Example: Wipro conducts marathon events and Decathlon organizes sports events regularly.

So, how are you planning to implement event marketing in your business?

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