Vanakam Makkalae  

What is Geographic Marketing?

  Geographic marketing (also called marketing geography) uses geolocation (geographic information) to plan and implement marketing activities. Any aspect of the marketing mix can be used – from the product to the price to the promotion to the location (geo-targeting). A geographic market is one that is classified by geographical segmentation. Geographical segmentation seeks to identify marketing strategies that account for differences in language, climate, and lifestyle within geographical markets. Geographic markets can vary in size and definition. Regions, countries, and population density are three geographical units that distinguish geographic markets; each of these units can be subdivided. A geographic market is one that is classified by geographical segmentation.

Who implements Geo Marketing?

Geo-marketing is best suited for companies with the most geographic information, such as mobile phone companies and other companies providing mobile services (See also Marketing Mobile Phones). Although digital technology has made geo-marketing affordable for small businesses, it can be used by virtually any company.

   Different ways can be used to segment a regional geographic market. States, counties, and metropolitan areas all represent different geographical regions. The size and population density of regions can also vary. In the United Kingdom, examples of regions would be Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

Who are the customers targeted by geo-marketing?

• Local Customers

• Internet Customers

• Mobile device users

• Social media users.

Advantages of Geographic Marketing:

• An effective marketing strategy for companies with large markets-national or international-is that it targets specific needs, wants, and cultural characteristics of consumers based on their location.

• Businesses with limited resources may also find this approach effective. They can focus their marketing dollars on their target geographic segment, rather than spending them on approaches ill-suited to that segment.

• This method works well in different densely populated areas. There are often differences between the needs and wants of consumers in urban and suburban environments. These areas are even culturally different.

So, how are you planning to implement geographic marketing in your business?

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