Vanakam Makkalae

What is Mobile Marketing?

  A mobile marketing campaign involves advertising products and services through mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones. Mobile technology is used to tailor marketing campaigns based on an individual’s location by utilizing location-based features.

   The goal of mobile marketing is to promote goods or services to a user who is constantly connected to the internet by using technology.

How does Mobile Marketing work?

A mobile marketing campaign may use SMS text messaging, MMS multimedia messaging, push notifications sent through downloaded apps, in-app or in-game marketing through mobile websites, or QR Code scanning from a mobile device.

   Using proximity-based systems and location-based services, users can receive alerts based on their geographic location or proximity to service providers.

   With mobile devices becoming ubiquitous, mobile marketing has become an invaluable tool for companies large and small. Mobile advertising is dominated by brands (and the companies they represent through their advertising) and service providers that enable it.

   The trend of users checking in to media or messaging for a brief period of time is known as “snacking” in the mobile marketing space. Marketers have more points of contact when consumers seek instant gratification.

   Mobile advertising targets audiences based on their behaviours rather than demographics.

Advantages of Mobile Marketing:

   When it comes to online advertising, mobile marketing is much easier to access. You don’t need high-level technology or much technical expertise to get started. Mobile marketing campaigns can also be measured easily. In addition, mobile marketing is extremely cost-effective. With mobile marketing, customers can also be reached in real-time wherever they are.


Data collected by mobile devices raises privacy issues. Increased data costs for the user.

So, how are you planning to implement mobile marketing for your business?

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