Vanakam Makalae

What is Personalised Marketing?

  Personalised Marketing is the implementation of a strategy in which the organisation delivers individualized content to its customers through collecting the data, analysis, with the use of automation technology.

    The goal of personalised marketing is to engage customers by communicating with them as an individual.

The Benefits of Personalised Marketing:

1.                      Improved Customer Experience

2.                      Drive Revenue

3.                      Increase Brand Loyalty

4.                      Create Consistency across    Channels

Challenges faced in Personalised Marketing:

· Finding the right technology

· Time and Resources

· Creating a single customer view

· Implementing Smart Segmentation.

   It is not easy to create a successful personalised marketing strategy. However, by following certain techniques; it is feasible to make it successful.

· Compare- Start with a content personalisation engine. If you are already using it, make sure to compare them to the latest one with more value.

·Capture- The capturing technique requires that you add a few lines of coding to your website. After that, you can begin capturing data, such as clicks, time on site, abandoned shopping carts, purchase history and more.

· Analyse- Building analytical capabilities, capturing data and developing versatile websites are all beneficial when they are fully synchronized with each other. Once this happens, your personalisation should be able to provide relevant content recommendations to customers. Now, you have to run an A/B test to validate the performance of your system vs. a control.

· Act- The marketing decisions are informed by your data collection and analysis. However, you should let the machine do the heavy lifting.  

Examples of Personalised Marketing Campaign:

1.                      Targeted Emails

2.                      Custom video messages

3.                      Product recommendations

4.                      Social Media marketing

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