Diwali sales Tips

What is Guerrilla Marketing?

Guerrilla marketing relies on unconventional and low cost marketing tactics to get maximum results.

   Jay Conrad Levinson* coined the term in his 1984 book ‘Guerrilla Advertising’. Guerrilla marketing is a marketing strategy that draws inspiration from guerrilla warfare, which is a form of irregular warfare and deals with small tactics used by armed civilians. Various tactics are used, including ambushes, sabotage, raids, and surprise attacks. In the marketing industry, guerrilla marketing uses similar tactics to guerrilla warfare.

Hacks for Business Owners during the festive season:

1.           Find out your favourite customer/ the customer who has the highest transaction with you. Send them personalised gift boxes/sweet box with your Logo and Thank you note or you can offer them your services at a discounted price.

2.           Gift your team members a sweet box or gift box. Because the team members are the main resource of your business.

3.           Gift your vendors a sweet box or gift box. They often travel with you through your entrepreneurial journey.

  These activities will express your gratitude. They will have a smile when they open your sweet box and will always remember your humanity.

   So, small things make big changes in your course of business.

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