Guerrilla Marketing by Coco-Cola| Viral Marketing Campaign

 Why do Coco-Cola use Guerrilla Marketing?     It focuses on achieving outcomes and attracting huge audiences through the use of innovative and low-cost marketing tactics. As a result, it is referred to as guerrilla warfare because it is carried out in an almost impromptu manner. The “Share a Coke” campaign, for example, was one of Coca-marketing […]

Create Diwali Offer | Guerrilla Marketing Characteristics

Guerrilla Marketing: Create Diwali Posters. What is Guerrilla Marketing?    Guerrilla marketing is a strategy used by businesses or brands to promote their products or services in a way that astonishes customers. Also, it refers to marketing techniques that are low-cost yet generate high profits. However, these techniques are more efficient than traditional ones. Guerrilla Marketing […]

Diwali Tips For Marketing | Viral Marketing Campaign 

Diwali sales Tips What is Guerrilla Marketing? Guerrilla marketing relies on unconventional and low cost marketing tactics to get maximum results.    Jay Conrad Levinson* coined the term in his 1984 book ‘Guerrilla Advertising’. Guerrilla marketing is a marketing strategy that draws inspiration from guerrilla warfare, which is a form of irregular warfare and deals with […]

Guerrilla Marketing by Ibuprofen | Viral Marketing Campaign

 It is not common for every company to allocate large budgets to advertising its brand or product. Thus, in order to reach their target audience, companies are seeking more creative and memorable marketing solutions.   Your marketing efforts can be improved in many creative ways to increase the number of customers you have. The majority of […]

Guerrilla Marketing Campaign for Beauty Industry Explained |Viral Marketing Campaign

 Businesses are increasingly opting to adopt disruptive marketing strategies to stand out from the crowd and stand out above their competitors. Guerrilla marketing is one of many innovative marketing methods being adopted to capture attention and generate interest.     In this kind of advertising, companies surprise consumers by placing unusual, out-of-the-box advertising materials in unexpected, often […]