Vanakam Makalay
Marketing hacks are being discussed in this video. Let us focus on a particular community called BNI.
What is BNI? It is a business networking community briefed as Business Network International. It is an American franchised networking organization founded by Ivan Misner. It is the world’s largest word-of-mouth referrals organization. There are 10,000 BNI chapters worldwide and 2,75,000 members.
To join the community, annual fees will be collected. It is expensive. If you are not a member, you can join the meetings through your friend’s referral and you can pitch your business to the members. The charge for a single meeting depends upon the hotel it is being conducted in and may vary from Rs.700 – Rs.1000. Members meet weekly and the recent trends in their businesses. Members support each other’s businesses by sharing referrals. The meeting is around 80-90 minutes.
There are multiple benefits of joining BNI. Members earn more money through increased referrals. There is increased exposure to quality professionals and their extended networks that can help you grow through business through referrals. Your fellow BNI members are your virtual sales force.
The pandemic has twirled the world around and the socializing is all confined within the online meetings. There is no exception for BNI meetings. The meetings are held through Zoom meetings and it is the right opportunity to utilize if you are looking to pitch your business. With your BNI member friend’s help, you can attend the free zoom meetings and scale up your business.