Getting a small business off the ground is difficult.

The competition is fierce, consumers are inundated with adverts, and your marketing budget is almost non-existent.

    Nevertheless, you must grab their attention – but how?

Guerrilla marketing is an effective strategy. A highly effective, innovative, and scrappy marketing strategy can help you compete on an even playing field.

  A great guerrilla marketing campaign can capture attention and generate sales for any small business.

We are going to see about a series’ Guerrilla Marketing technique which is called “True Blood”. 

  The viral/guerrilla marketing HBO is doing in New Zealand for their vampire show “True Blood” based on Charlaine Harris’ books about Sookie Stackhouse is awesome.

  This analysis of True Blood’s marketing campaign was originally published in 2013. It has been a long time since then, but the series returns to the small screen one last time with its seventh season and people are looking at how the much-applauded marketing campaign has changed over the years.

HBO put up these wooden True Blood posters in New Zealand (where the ads are much cooler than in the U.S.) as an advertisement for the upcoming season of the blood-sucking series. As you can see, each ad features several useful vampire pokers just in case you find yourself on a bus with a pointy-toothed bastard eying your neck. You’d better protect your neck! Don’t forget your purse either — vampires are thieves. The dreamy Edward Cullen stole my heart. Do you smell that? *sniff* It smells just like Twilight on DVD!

  How are you planning on implementing the Guerrilla Marketing techniques in your business? 

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