Vanakam Makkalae

What is Behavioural Marketing?

In behavioural marketing, web analytics, cookies, search histories, and other insights are used to customize communication to audiences based on their activity, interests, intentions, geolocation, and other categories.

Why is Behavioural marketing important?

· It enables you to better target your advertisements.

· It aids in the generation of more warm leads.

· It aids in the rise of sales.

· It aids in the development of stronger bonds with your target audience.

How does Behavioural Marketing work?

   Behavioural marketing works when the three following activities are integrated:

1.                      Data collection and analysis:

     Data collection comes from different channels including:

· Social Media

· Search Engines

· Websites

· Mobile applications

· Emails

· Chatbots.

User’s behavioural data is being collected by social networking platforms, huge internet retailers, bulk email providers, and mobile applications.

As a result, businesses may utilize this data to offer more relevant content and better-targeted offers without having to spend time or money collecting behavioural data.

2.                      Audience Segmentation:

   When you segment the audience according to the demography and behavioural patterns, it will be easy to send messages accordingly.

   You can use Facebook ads, Google analytics, Email marketing campaigns, etc.

3.                      Applying the data.

   The final step is to generate advertising, emails, or other messaging depending on the data you have gathered about your intended audience.

Behavioural Marketing Examples:

· Facebook Ads

· Google search and Display ads

· Email Marketing

· Chatbots.

For example, if you own a cafe or restaurant, you will create a campaign based on the preferences of your customers.

You can send an automatic message with a certain day’s offer.

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