Free Sample Marketing

Vanakam Makkalae

  What is Free Sample Marketing?

   Free Sample marketing is the process in which products or services are given to potential customers for free. This concept is effective in businesses like Food, Drinks, Health and Beauty.

   You can rapidly gain a lot of customers by giving out free samples to the target market since you effectively get your product or service into the hands of only the people most likely to want what you have to sell.

    Trying something new will be easier for people if they don’t have to pay anything for it. Giveaways, of course, include a sense of obligation that consumers feel when they have been given something.

Do free samples increase Sales?

 Sample giveaways do make a difference in sales. Some markets boast sales conversions of 90%-word of mouth and brand loyalty kick in following giveaways, boosting revenue spikes and launching businesses.

  According to a 2017 Bringham Young University study, retailers and coffee shop chains enjoying more sales and benefits after giving away free samples to consumers.

· Make the in-store shopping experience satisfying or desirable.

· Give an immediate increase in sales during the giveaway and the following week.

· Continue to increase sales for the next eight weeks.

· Customers who are repeatedly exposed to the same item are more likely to adopt the product.

· Increase sales for the product’s category.

· Are twice as effective as discounts or product reorganisation.

· Smaller stores benefit more than larger stores.

Benefits of giving free samples:

   Giving away free samples benefits the brand in many ways.

1.  Create trust in a brand.

2.  Increase brand recognition

3.  Establish business relationships.

4.  Encourage customer loyalty

5.  Improve the company’s reputation by introducing new products 

6.  Increase awareness of upcoming campaigns and special offers.

7.  Make a buzz and spread the word among customers.

8.  Increase online traffic Increase website subscriptions and boost sales conversions.

How are you planning to implement this method of marketing in your business?

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