365 days

Guerrilla Marketing by Gold Winner- G for H

What is Guerrilla Marketing?      Guerrilla marketing gained popularity after Levinson’s book Guerrilla Marketing, published in 1983, clarified its concept. In comparison to traditional marketing techniques, the new promotion methods he created need relatively little cost and produce superior outcomes. He built a marketing campaign strategy’s effectiveness on using unconventional marketing channels, being persistent, being close […]

Guerrilla Marketing by Zara Tapas Bar- Drink Responsibly

What is Guerrilla Marketing?    Guerrilla marketing is an original and imaginative technique to advertise your company. It entails employing inexpensive or free techniques to spread your message and frequently makes use of unforeseen situations.     Guerrilla marketing may be quite successful at spreading your reputation, despite the fact that it might be risky. It can […]

Guerrilla Marketing by Saregama – HonkResponsibly

How is Guerrilla Marketing different from normal marketing?     A series of marketing techniques known as guerilla marketing are used to launch a marketing campaign for a far lower price than it would ordinarily cost.      Despite the limited investment budget, the impact should, of course, be greater. Guerrilla marketing, in other words, serves as […]

Guerrilla Marketing by WakeFit #Sleepinternship

What is Guerrilla Marketing?    The practice of guerrilla marketing involves promoting a product or brand via unorthodox methods. Guerrilla marketing campaigns can be run by brands either online, offline, or a combination of the two. WakeFit’s Guerrilla Marketing technique explained?   Do you know of any jobs that pay you to sleep? After Bengaluru-based Wakefit.co, a […]

Do you remember Arjun Amma Yaru ad?

What is Guerrilla Marketing?    Guerrilla marketing is an advertising strategy that seeks to draw attention to goods or services in an extravagant manner and on a small budget. Do you remember Arjun Amma Yaru ad?  “Who is Arjun’s Mom?” was the slogan of an advertisement campaign launched by HAP in the early months of 2004. […]

Do you remember Pulli Raja Ku Aids varuma Ad?

The South is up in arms about Pulli Raja. The campaign specifically targets men, but the underlying implication is that women also are the source of AIDS. He is the most recent icon to overwhelm the South. In the nation of the Rajnikants and Kamal Haasans, an invisible character has succeeded in becoming the topic […]

Pollution Awareness: A Guerrilla Marketing Campaign for Cause

What is Guerrilla Marketing?    Guerrilla marketing is the employment of creative, unconventional strategies to increase sales or spark interest in a product or company. These techniques frequently entail low- or no-cost usage of more casual contacts or through viral social media messaging. Top 5 Guerilla Marketing Rules : ·    Remember to specify your objectives. Guerilla […]

Guerrilla Marketing Campaign for a Movie 2012

What is Guerrilla Marketing?     The practise of guerrilla marketing involves promoting a product or brand via unorthodox methods. Guerrilla marketing campaigns can be run by brands either online, offline, or a combination of the two. Guerrilla marketing traits: Guerrilla marketing is difficult to define due to its complexity. A guerrilla marketing effort, however, can […]

Guerrilla Marketing Campaign to reach out to influencers

When GotVMail, a company that offered Advanced Phone Numbers to tens of thousands of business owners throughout North America, changed its name to Grasshopper, they realised they needed to take a risk in order to establish the new brand and deliver the new services.    The Grasshopper team sought to develop a multi-sensory marketing campaign that […]

Ice Bucket Challenge Guerrilla Marketing Campaign for a cause

What is Guerrilla Marketing?      Guerrilla marketing disturbs consumer’s normal routines by presenting them with unorthodox methods of brand connection. The goal is to spark discussion, a commotion, or anything noteworthy so that brand knowledge spreads via word-of-mouth or media attention.   While guerrilla marketing does away with the warfare, it nevertheless incorporates aspects of surprise […]

Guerrilla Marketing by Nikon- Sensor Bill Board

What is Guerrilla Marketing?    Guerrilla marketing is an original and imaginative technique to advertise your company. It entails employing inexpensive or free techniques to spread your message and frequently makes use of unforeseen situations. Guerrilla marketing may be quite successful at spreading your reputation, despite the fact that it might be risky. It can create […]

Guerrilla Marketing Campaign for a series- The boy who could fly

What is Guerrilla Marketing?    Guerrilla marketing is the employment of creative, unorthodox strategies to increase sales or spark interest in a product or company.        These techniques frequently entail low- or no-cost usage of more casual contacts or through viral social media messaging.       With the spread of pervasive mobile and connected technology that may […]

Guerrilla Marketing By Burn 60 – Weight Loss

What is Guerrilla Marketing?    It’s an advertising tactic where a business employs unexpected and/or outlandish interactions to market a commodity or service. Guidelines for guerrilla marketing ·    Use the element of surprise. The element of surprise is one of guerrilla marketing’s most crucial strategies and a key factor in its success. ·    Conduct research. ·    […]

Guerrilla Marketing by Volkswagen- Porcupine campaign

Conrad Levinson, the inventor of guerrilla marketing, famously said: “Guerrilla marketers don’t rely on the force of an enormous marketing budget. They rely on the power of a strong imagination instead. And this still holds true today just as it did then.    Originality and inventiveness are essential to guerrilla marketing, when little budgets are preferred […]

Guerrilla Marketing by Nivea- Sofa

Guerrilla marketing is a strategy for generating publicity and, consequently, brand exposure through advertising adopting outlandish techniques meant to inspire surprise, astonishment, or shock.   The late business author Jay Conrad Levinson, who wrote multiple books about guerrilla tactics in a variety of professional fields, coined the phrase in the early 1980s. Naturally, marketing was considerably […]

Guerrilla Marketing Campaign for a Service Industry

Most corporations and small businesses utilise guerilla marketing, a creative marketing technique, to promote their products in unusual ways. It was first used or made popular in the 1980s by Jay Conrad Levinson. He published a number of books and articles on guerrilla marketing strategies that aided several firms in raising exposure. Nowadays, the majority […]

Guerrilla Marketing Campaign for a cake

What is Guerrilla Marketing?  Guerrilla marketing is the employment of creative, unorthodox strategies to increase sales or spark interest in a product or company. These techniques frequently entail low- or no-cost usage of more casual contacts or through viral social media messaging. Top 5 Guerilla Marketing Rules : ·    Remember to specify your objectives. ·    […]

Guerrilla Marketing by Cadbury Dairymilk

The goal is to come up with a creative way to represent a company. Guerrilla marketing should astound consumers, leave a lasting impact, and generate a lot of social media conversation.   Guerrilla Marketing by Cadbury:                   Cadbury has come up with some very clever guerrilla marketing, literally. Cadbury understood the problems of elderly people and […]

Celebrating 200 days of Value Addition

 We are going to analyse how to handle the festive wishes in this festivity mode. You may receive pongal wishes from your customers/vendors. They may send messages or gifts. During the new year time, we saw “How to present gifts?” and Freebie marketing. So, when you receive messages or gifts from customers/vendors, Thank you for […]

How to handle festival wish from customers/vendors?

 We are going to analyse how to handle the festive wishes in this festivity mode. You may receive pongal wishes from your customers/vendors. They may send messages or gifts. During the new year time, we saw “How to present gifts?” and Freebie marketing. So, when you receive messages or gifts from customers/vendors, 1. Acknowledge them […]

 What is your marketing idea for Pongal Festival?

The Pongal festivity is approaching nearby. So, let us plan for the festival. First, let’s have a look at the things that we should not do. ·    Don’t send Pongal wishes to your customers. It will be like yet another thousand wishes that they are receiving. Instead, you can set up your products like Pongal […]

Guerrilla Marketing by Iphone

People are exposed to a growing quantity of commercial messages in the current economic climate, which cannot be recognised unless they first attract the attention. Customers are becoming more adept at resisting traditional advertising’s influence, whether via the use of new technologies or just by mentally tuning them out. Advertisers have employed various new advertising […]

Guerrilla Marketing Campaign by a TV series- Prison Break

Guerrilla Marketing is a type of unusual marketing strategy employed by most brands and small businesses throughout the world to promote their products. In the 1980s, Jay Conrad Levinson introduced or popularised it. He penned various articles and books on guerrilla marketing techniques that aided several firms in their efforts to raise awareness. Guerrilla marketing […]

Guerrilla Marketing by Snapchat – Gaint Hoarding Guerrilla Marketing Campaign

Guerrilla marketing is a one-of-a-kind and very successful approach to promote your company. While traditional forms of advertising might be costly, guerrilla marketing is a less expensive alternative that can yield significant effects. Guerrilla marketing gives your business the exposure it needs to stand out from the competition by utilising unique strategies such as street […]

Guerrilla Marketing by Nike- Escalator Guerrilla Marketing Campaign

Marketers are connecting with customers in novel ways, and its working. Guerrilla marketing has evolved into a more widely regarded professional marketing method, gaining popularity among both large and small businesses as a low-cost means of effectively reaching consumers. Rather than spending a lot of money on one-way messages, guerrilla marketers look for innovative ways […]

Guerrilla Marketing Campaign for cause – Save Trees

According to their own nature, guerrilla marketing tactics are memorable and unconventional, and they have the power to create a lasting impact on customers. Buyers are left amazed, pleased, and wanting to learn more about the product and/or service after a successful campaign. Brand recognition is improved by this marketing tactic. A quick excursion in […]

 A Guerrilla Marketing Campaign by Berger Paints | Viral Marketing Campaign

What is Guerrilla Marketing?     Guerrilla marketing is a type of advertising that focuses on low-cost, innovative marketing strategies that produce high results – Jay Conrad     Levinson created the phrase “guerrilla advertising” in his 1984 book “Guerrilla Advertising.” Guerrilla marketing is a word inspired by guerrilla warfare, which is a type of irregular warfare in […]

Guerrilla Marketing by Raid Pest Control | Viral Marketing Campaign

Vanakam Makkalae What is Guerrilla Marketing?   Guerrilla marketing is the deployment of unconventional or creative ways to increase sales or generate interest in a brand or business. These techniques are frequently low-cost or free, and they entail the extensive usage of more human connections or viral social media messaging. Guerrilla Marketing by Raid Pest Control: […]

Guerrilla Marketing Campaign for the Homeless|Guerrilla Marketing Campaign

Guerilla Marketing: Guerrilla marketing is a cost-effective marketing strategy that uses unconventional and inventive tactics to get exposure for a product or brand. Guerrilla marketing differs significantly from other marketing strategies with certain characteristics: The element of surprise: Often, guerrilla marketing tries to surprise or shock the audience with unusual interactions. This is targeted in […]

Guerrilla Marketing By Miele – Tunnel | Guerrilla Marketing Example

What do you need primarily for Guerilla marketing? For Guerilla marketing, you need three things the most: 1.   Imagination 2. Time 3.    Energy Imagination: While digital marketing does have its perks and benefits, nothing screams creativity like real-life experiential advertising found on the streets. People are waiting on the edge of their seats to […]